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Neighborhood NP offers telehealth visits
to individuals physically located in the state of Kentucky.
Take advantage of this convenient service with one of our Board Certified Nurse Practitioners!
Please check with your individual plan to verify coverage.
We are generally in-network with
Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield,
Cigna, Humana, CareSource, United Healthcare & Medicare.
Please check with your individual health plan for out-of-pocket costs associated with telehealth visits.
Out-of-network or uninsured cost is $75 and is due prior to the visit.
** A co-pay may be required and must be
paid electronically prior to your visit. **
Ages 12+ can be treated via telehealth for a variety of common conditions and minor symptoms such as
cold, flu, cough, fever, pink eye, allergies, sore throat, ear pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin conditions/rash, and urinary issues.
You will be required to complete an online consent form and payment prior to your visit. These instructions will be emailed to you once your visit is confirmed. You must have an electronic device suitable for a video visit. Your provider can order testing, labs, prescriptions, or an in-person follow up when appropriate.
Neighborhood NP
11400 Main St., Suite 102, Middletown, KY 40243
Office: (502) 509-5223 Fax: (814) 402-7021
Copyright © 2023 Neighborhood NP, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
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